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Targeting BOSH Environments and Deployments

Many bosh CLI commands require you to explicitly reference which BOSH deployment name, and the details about the BOSH environment (specifically the BOSH director API).

You can provide the full array of information using bosh CLI flags:

bosh instances \
    --deployment    zookeeper \
    --environment \
    --ca-cert       path/to/root-ca \
    --client        admin \
    --client-secret password

You can avoid typing secrets into your shell by dynamically extracting them from files:

bosh instances \
    --deployment    zookeeper \
    --environment \
    --ca-cert       "$(bosh int path/to/bosh/creds.yml --path /director_ssl/ca)" \
    --client        admin \
    --client-secret "$(bosh int path/to/bosh/creds.yml --path /admin_password)"

Alternately, each of the flags above can be declared using an environment variable.

export BOSH_DEPLOYMENT=zookeeper
export BOSH_CA_CERT="$(bosh int path/to/bosh/creds.yml --path /director_ssl/ca)"
export BOSH_CLIENT=admin
export BOSH_CLIENT_SECRET="$(bosh int path/to/bosh/creds.yml --path /admin_password)"

bosh instances

Alias a BOSH Environment

It will be quickly tiresome to type all this information. No one does that. Continuous integration scripts might do this, but not you nor I. We like short cuts.

The bosh CLI allows us to alias each BOSH environment URL and root CA with a meaningful name. For example, in the tutorial for setting up a local VirtualBox BOSH environment we used the alias vbox:

bosh alias-env vbox \
    --environment \
    --ca-cert "$(bosh int path/to/vbox/creds.yml --path /director_ssl/ca)"

Login to a BOSH Environment

Once you have aliased an environment you can also cache the authentication credentials for that environment.

That is the most elaborate way I could describe "log in":

bosh login

Or if you want to use --environment flag:

bosh --environment vbox login

Simplified Targeting

After aliasing and logging in to an environment, we can now simplify all our commands.

We can now express our bosh instances command from above with flags:

bosh instances \
    --deployment    zookeeper \
    --environment   vbox

Or with shortened flags:

bosh instances \
    -d zookeeper \
    -e vbox

We can also place the flags before the subcommand:

bosh -e vbox -d zookeeper instances

Or, we can use environment variables:

export BOSH_DEPLOYMENT=zookeeper

bosh instances

I personally prefer using the BOSH_ENVIRONMENT and BOSH_DEPLOYMENT environment variables to target BOSH environments and their deployments.

Especially for you reading the Ultimate Guide to BOSH, I felt that adding -e environment-alias -d deployment-name to every command in every example was repetitive, verbose, and repetitive.

Available Aliased Environments

If you've forgotten what aliases you've given your environments you can list them all:

bosh envs

Forgetting the Environment Alias

Sometimes you will forget to provide the environment alias. This is not a career-altering mistake.

> bosh deploy manifests/zookeeper.yml
Expected non-empty Director URL

Exit code 1

Run the command again with the -e flag or set the BOSH_ENVIRONMENT environment.

Forgetting the Deployment Name

Sometimes you will forget to provide the deployment name. You probably also forgot the environment alias.

> bosh deploy zookeeper-release/manifests/zookeeper.yml
Using environment '' as client 'admin'

Expected non-empty deployment name

Exit code 1

Run the command again with the -d flag or set the BOSH_DEPLOYMENT environment.